Precision Insights First Deal

Jun 13, 2018

The Transition into Recruitment

I ask myself from time to time “where is my life actually going”? From banking to aviation and now recruitment. The transition into Recruitment has been an interesting experience.

I’ve been in the recruiting game for 3 months now and the transition has been tough, I’ve cried and contemplated leaving… yet the minute I made those first few deals, it all seemed worth it.

I was unhappy and bored in my previous role and just like any job seeker, I set off on a mission for my next role. I knew I didn’t want to just accept the first role that was offered, because deep down where I landed is where I hope to be long term. It took me about 8 months to find Precision Sourcing and let me tell you, when I was told that I had to make a video before they would even consider meeting with me, I thought “what kind of company is this?”.  Something in my gut told me to just go for it.  I did, they loved the video and wanted to meet with me.

Project Services Team

The Interview Process…

First up, I met with Joel Stein. He is without a doubt, one of the most humble, genuine and selfless human beings I have ever met. He played tag team with Simon Hair and I wasn’t sure if it was tactical to see if me and my answers were full of it or if they truly were busy. When I met Simon, I couldn’t get past the heavy accent. I thought to myself, he must think I’m a total idiot asking him to repeat himself for the 100th time. He stayed extremely professional throughout the process… little did I know, 3 months down the line he would be the biggest extrovert of them all!!!

I must have done something right because I got a call back for a second interview to meet the big dog Jill Ryder. Let me tell you, I don’t get intimidated by much, but I was “shitting bricks” when I came in. It turns out Jill is just like a lioness and will do anything to protect her cubs and it was at that moment that I knew Precision was the right workplace for me.


On the job…

Fast forward to my first few weeks on the job and it was tough.  I was so overwhelmed and used to being in a routine being a shift worker, doing my standard hours, logging off the computer 5 minutes before finishing to head out of those doors bang on time. I didn’t completely understand why I had to stay back. I wasn’t exactly busy or working my own jobs, I was the little helper. I have always been active and even that took a turn down south. I commute over an hour to work one way, I wasn’t doing my usual training or trying to stay healthy and I got into a bad rut. Looking back, it seems so silly to be stressing over these things. Yet for someone who had it easy for a long time and who didn’t know how to adapt, it was extremely difficult…maybe this industry wasn’t for me?

Since starting in March I’ve done a lot of observing of my colleagues and the leadership team.  I’ve come to realise that each one would walk through fire to help, even if it has nothing to do with work. This got me out of that rut, I re-evaluated my goals and looked at the support I had around me. It led to my first deal and then second in the same week. It also pushed me to aim higher and achieve bigger, because even if I fall, I have this fantastic network to help build me back up. At the end of the day, that’s how you learn…by making mistakes.

Lauren & Craig

Tips from my Transition into Recruitment…

  • Expect things might not turn out initially the way you thought. Reach out and talk about the hurdles you’re facing, as they might not be as big as they appear.
  • Set goals both big and small, don’t just set them and do nothing. Work out an action plan on how you are going to achieve them and have check in dates to make sure you’re staying on track.
  • Stay healthy and happy. These are extremely important because when you take care of yourself and you’re feeling good you are genuinely happy. That will then give off a good energy. That will also help attract the same back, this then helps you to work hard and smart to achieve your goals.


Now I know I’m not where I want to be, but I know damn well I’m on the right path to get there. I cant wait to look back in a years’ time just to see how far I’ve come and to see where I’m heading next!