Apr 15, 2024

What's been happening in the Q3 market?

This quarter witnessed several significant trends and developments in the SAP market landscape, impacting both businesses and SAP professionals across the region.

The Australian economy continues to show signs of cautiousness, with GDP growth remaining subdued.

Despite ongoing economic challenges, businesses in Australia are navigating through with a blend of caution and resilience. 

Only 16% of SAP customers in Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) have transitioned to S/4HANA, indicating a slow uptake of this critical platform upgrade. Despite SAP’s efforts to promote S/4HANA, there is still caution among businesses in the region. The immediate challenge is justification of ROI in the short term. We dive into further detail on this including S/4HANA adoption in the Q3 market report.

Current Market Trends

In this market report the following topics are discussed:

  • Caution in Decision Making
  • Business Process Optimisation
  • SuccessFactors Dominance
  • Cloud Adoption
  • Slow Hiring Processes
  • Senior Talent Saturate the Market
  • Contract Back on the Rise

Tips for Clients & Candidates

Clients: A growth mindset is more important from a technology point of view – and it’s free.

Candidates: Continuous learning and adaptation to emerging trends are essential for staying relevant in the evolving SAP landscape.

For more info and tips, click the link below to read the full SAP Q3 Market Report.

Configure IT Done

Check out the SAP focused podcast – Configure IT Done with Jay Wynter.

This podcast is where thought leaders in the SAP space share their insight, methodology, learnings, and unique stories on how to successfully lead large scale SAP Programs.

Listen here.