Mar 25, 2020

In the last couple of weeks, we have experienced a huge change in how those within the world of SAP work, interact and most importantly stay healthy.

SAP projects are unique.  They are nearly always large, complex and costly – carrying considerable risk. In my view they can also be emotive projects with stakeholders not always on board.

I noticed very quickly that during the recent COVID19 crisis, there has been a huge amount of content and information RE: how to effectively work from home.  All very useful and worth a read.

However, from speaking to leaders within the SAP community, it is apparent that we are not accustomed to effectively leading large SAP programs/projects with a remote workforce.  While we may have delivered pocked pf projects or via overseas vendors/partners, we have never delivered a full project, across many months where everyone is isolated, including the leaders who are accustomed to being so visible.

We therefore reached out to a number of SAP leaders who are currently in the thick of SAP projects and asked them what they are doing to effectively lead and deliver their projects today.  In short, how are they adapting and changing to deliver.

The information below has been put together at short notice, as a quick guide – apologies for any grammatical or spelling errors.

Thank you to the great SAP leaders who shared their ideas below- a great example of how people can pull together and work through these challenging times.

From the insights above we will soon put together a leading from home framework for SAP leaders and distribute accordingly.

Please note that the team at Precision Sourcing are safe and well and fully operational remotely from home. If we can help in any way please reach out.