
Nov 10, 2020

With uncertainty still clouding the horizon of many organisations, the movement of people into and out of companies in 2021 will be inevitable.  On top of the current pandemic we also have the rising tide of automation and AI making many traditional roles a thing of the past.  Managing these movements well may require a different process to the traditional approach. The biggest risk mitigator to forging successful transitions will be how you effectively lead the organisation to create good endings and ultimately forge positive new beginnings.


So what are the top imperatives to stop and reflect on as we navigate these planned and unplanned transitions?

  1. Firstly placing attention on both the stayers and the leavers through the transition is critical.  Effective leaders will not just consider these two groups individually but collectively in order to forge a positive dynamic between the two and reduce the risk of survivor guilt.  In a perfect world the stayers can view the leavers with gratitude – their leaving has created the opportunity to remain and honouring that means making the most of the future for the business. Those leaving when acknowledged for their contribution are more likely to go on and forge a positive new beginning as a result of this good ending.
  2. Secondly a good ending for those leaving will increase your likelihood of future brand ambassadors.  It is of course legitimate that as organisations initiate necessary changes in order to continue to navigate towards their purpose, there may no longer be a viable place for some of their people. Yet how people who are leaving are acknowledged for their contribution and how this acknowledgement can become part of the ongoing narrative in the company can be meaningful for both those who are leaving as well as those who are staying.    Providing support in outplacement coaching that goes deep enough to look at not just being placed into the next role but to stop and consider vital questions of identity and purpose can also shape the likelihood of a good ending.
  3. Finally when people leaving are given the space for dialogue,  allowing them to tell their story regarding their experience in the organisation, this can yield a wealth of insight. Yesterday I was speaking with a leader planning to resign asking herself, “what can I mention to my CEO next week when we have our catchup?”.  What would be the answer in your own organisation? Hopefully it would be “EVERYTHING!  We want to know the inside-out story of what it means to work here. What can we learn and how can it pave the way for a sustainable future?”.

Of course it is all in the planning, the energy and the perspective you hold as you seek to ensure successful endings and beginnings for all.



Transition coaching and outplacement services is our unique way of ;

  • Offering support and guidance to those individuals who require alternative direction when navigating a career change
  • Allowing employers to offer a bridge and service to employees as they transition out of the business.


If you have any further questions and would like to explore either transition coaching or outplacement services please reach out.