Precision Insights

Mar 17, 2020

“It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin

We have quickly seen a spike in video interviews with the ongoing COV19 pandemic.  Unfortunately we have also seen a spike in some pretty poor performance from candidates during video interviews.  We’ve been preparing our candidates with a quick guide to ensuring you perform as well as possible in your next video interview.

Our Top Tips:

  1. Power Up:
    Ensure your PC is plugged in, on charge and no issues with battery life – shutting down unexpectedly due to battery life isn’t cool.
  2. Location:
    That background picture of a Ferrari Testarossa or Luke Skywalker that you insist on keeping in your study/office as it is your happy place is not usually ideal.  Keep it simple, white walls or blinds and no distractions.
  3. Preparation:
    Just like a face to face interview have a copy of your resume to hand as well as a number of questions you have ready to ask when the right time arises.
  4. Angles:
    Get them right, a direct line of access straight up your nasal passage isn’t going to secure you that dream role. Get the camera, seat or desk level and impress with your best angles, you know you have done this many times for Insta.
  5. Early bird catches the worm:
    Login early, check the sound and tech works correctly and use headphones.  IMPORTANT – ensure the mic is on / off
  6. Dress to impress:
    Now I know you are at home but this is an interview remember, not a quick check-in with your parents.  Dressing gown or PJ’s isn’t going to fly. Dress as you would for a normal face to face interview. If you are the type that likes to live on the edge this tip only applies from the waist upwards.

I hope you found these tips helpful.  Happy videoing!