Precision Insights

Sep 8, 2020

recently wrote two quick overviews of the SAP market (just after Easter 2020 and two months ago in July 2020) to report on the insight and change myself and the SAP recruitment team are experiencing during this challenging period. 

The question “how are you finding the market” is a certainty on every call with any SAP professional right now and I will continue to share the insights on a regular basis 

Top 5 SAP Insights

Here’s this month’s top 5 insights from the SAP recruitment team at Precision Sourcing (please note that this is what we are seeing, hearing and experiencing via the many interactions and calls we have on a daily basis with SAP professionals across Australia) ; 

1) Clients are starting to receive an influx of direct applicantsThree large Australian organisations have decided to advertise their SAP requirements directly to the market and recruit internally with the goal of saving money  When last spoke with these businesses each had received over 100 applicants for each requirement and are finding that the management of the response whilst also coordinating their day to day workload is a massive challenge 

As you could imagine this is SAP hiring leaders time and money whilst creating a discouraging candidate experience, but the good news is companies are hiring! 


2) We have seen SAP vacancies increase by of over 42% in August 20 compared to July 20 as businesses continue to adjustaccept the ‘new normal’ and move forward. 


3) There seems to be an appetite for SAP companies to invest in their ECC system with a large government organisation and a mining organisation electing to spend on their current ECC system as opposed to S/4HANA 

  • Precision Sourcing approached an experienced SAP Design and Delivery Advisor Paul Coetser who wrote a very informative blog on this approach. Read the blog here.

4) Another large Australian utility company successfully went live with their SAP project (on time and budget) further cementing the fact that the IT world is well equipped to work from home and deliver great outcomes. 


5) Companies are not restricting themselves to only hiring local SAP talent close to their office location but instead realising that they can open themselves up to a wider community of resources that can successfully add value to their teams.  We are certainly seeing interview process that are a lot quicker as we save on travel time and coordinate decision makers one virtual room together. Time to fill therefore is a lot speedier with the only challenge being point 1 above. 


I hope you found this quick update useful. As ever, if you have any questions or ideas that could bring value to the SAP community here in Australia please reach out via or directly to myself at