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Collection of Personal Information

Within this website, Precision Sourcing may seek certain personal information provided by the visitor for the purpose of sending email newsletters or promotional materials. Information such as name, mailing address, e-mail address, type of request, and any additional information you provide, is collected by Precision Sourcing and is used to meet your request. The information you provide is used by Precision Sourcing to improve the services we provide to you. Your information is never given or sold to any third parties without your consent.

No Guarantee of Confidential Use of Website

Precision Sourcing cannot guarantee your confidential use of this website. Precision Sourcing will not assume responsibility for any damage you or any person may suffer as a result of a breach of confidentiality resulting from your use of this site or any information you transmitted to this site.

Hypertext Links

This site may contain hypertext links to other websites. Precision Sourcing makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of any information contained in any such hypertext link. Any hypertext link to any other person or entity should not be construed as endorsement by Precision Sourcing of such person’s or entity’s website, products or services. Your linking to other off-site pages or other sites is at your own risk.

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The information in this site is protected by copyright. You may only use the information, text or graphics contained in this site for your personal use and may not reproduce, adapt, or publish it, in whole or in part, for any purpose without the consent of Precision Sourcing. The Precision Sourcing mark and design are registered trademarks of Precision Sourcing. The Precision Sourcing mark and design may not be used, downloaded, copied or distributed in any way.

Assent to Privacy Policy

By using this site, you agree to the terms of the Precision Sourcing Website Privacy Policy as set forth above. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use this website. Precision Sourcing reserves the right to change any of its Website Privacy Policies at any time.
